July 11, 2010

Be a science detective. Test of observation skills #1 (Part 1 of 3)

Sometimes, scientists make discoveries because they spotted something unusual. Therefore, it’s good to practice the ability to recognize both what is familiar and what is unfamiliar.

Try it.

This is the thief who ate my granola bar. Can you name what kind of critter he is?

Click here for the answer.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Enjoying your blog entries. Excellent info and execution.

  3. Got me! This is a wonderful idea. I'll pass it on to Sophie.

  4. Here are some of the guesses so far:

    sheep (6 people made this guess)
    llama 6
    alpaca 5
    donkey 5
    goat 5
    camel 3
    mule 3
    human 2
    squirrel (regular) 2
    squirrel (large, deformed) 1
    oppossum 1
    monkey 1
    lamb 1
    horse 1
    cow 1
    baboon 1
    arboreal critter 1
